
I don’t watch the Wendy William’s show often, but I’ve seen it a few times. I won’t be watching it again after the things she did and said on today’s show.

If you’re a talk show host or just a person who cares about other people, then I have a couple of mistakes you should avoid.

Most importantly: Treat People With Respect and you don’t have to read the rest of this post.

Backhanded compliments don’t take away the impact of your negative comments about how someone looks.

Even worse, you make it okay for others to mock people who look different from them.

Cleft lip and palate is the most common birth defect in the United States, you’ve just alienated everyone impacted.

Bottom line:

1. Don’t refer to a birth defect as “oddly attractive,” that doesn’t balance out your insults
2. Don’t do a cartoonish mimic of what it looks like, there was no redeeming quality about that
3. Get your facts straight. A hairline fracture is in a bone. If you meant another term that stars with hair – it’s outdated and derogatory – even my spellcheck doesn’t recognize it as a word.

What can you do to help? Go to Wendy’ Williams social media and comment – Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, send a letter, email, or share this post. Tell Wendy that it isn’t okay to disrespect people with visual differences.

  1. James L

    My brother was born with a cleft palate and lip. He suffered greatly as a child in school because of idiocy such as yours.

    I hope you feel shame now that your stupidity has been pointed out.