
If you’re a person trying to get stronger who wants to gain clarity, then this tip to build your core holds the keys you need.

Knowing Your Limits Will Make You Mentally Stronger!

This is actually a simple trick that so many miss. Here’s what I mean: you can gain clarity by pushing your limits. During a recent session with a personal trainer, I wondered if he was trying to kill me, but he was building my core. He was telling me what my limits were – somewhere between 200 and 300 squats).

Last fall I hired a physical trainer. I wanted to up my game – get stronger, more confident with weights, and lose weight.

I was really sore after the first visit, and less so every visit after. When my trainer was out, I worked with a different one. He trained me a little differently. His goal was to push me to my limit when I couldn’t go anymore. I wasn’t a fan. At least, not at first.

People committed to getting stronger need to know this trick because I got a new appreciation for my limits. I don’t always need to do squats until I can’t do them anymore. But doing that once in a while gives clarity and builds the core of who I am. It told me what I was willing to do to get where I wanted to go.

What are your limits? When do you say no? We rarely say no because we don’t have clarity about who we are and what our limits are. But once you know those two things, it’s much easier to say no and not feel guilty about it..

My advice is to:

  • Pick an activity you like (you don’t have to love it, just like it).
  • Do it until you’ve reached your limit and can’t do it anymore.
  • What did you learn about yourself?

This can be any activity. If you enjoy editing photos, get to work. Do it until you can’t anymore. It will tell you what your editing limit is – it will allow you to set others’ expectations of what you can get done in a certain time frame, especially if you’re under pressure for a deadline. The next time someone asks how long it will take to edit 5,000 photos, you will know. That’s clarity.Oh, one more thing.

This article is just the tip of the iceberg on embracing your scars! This coaching program “Label Breakers” gives you the rest of the story and a whole lot more. Grab it here: