
On a recent flight from London, I finally watched a movie on my TBW list (I think I made that up).


One thing that stuck me in the movie was when William Still has Minty (Harriet Tubman) change her name, to represent her freedom from slavery.

It surprised me to find out that that isn’t exactly how that happened. Minty changed her name when she married John Tubman. She took her mother’s name, Harriet. Not nearly as dramatic as the movie made it seem. But in doing the research, I realized that it’s really the name Moses that is the significant piece of the story.

Harriet Tubman, while guiding slaves out of the south, was called Moses, after the prophet Moses who lead his people to freedom. More importantly, she had earned that name, and never lost a passenger!

This is just one more example of how a name can define us and be a symbol of change.

Harriet Tubman

If you’ve been wondering who you are and how you can change the way people see you, how you see yourself, remember stories like Minty becoming Harriet and then Moses.

How can you do this too? Ask yourself the following questions:

  • What name is holding you back in life?
  • Make a list of all the negative and positive things about this name or label.
  • Ask a close friend which best describes you.

Oh, one more thing. This article is just the tip of the iceberg on the power of names! This coaching program “Label Breakers” gives you the rest of the story and a whole lot more. Learn more here: