
Welcome to July, National Cleft and Craniofacial Awareness and Prevention Month!

I will be doing several things this month to bring awareness to Clefts and Craniofacial issues.

This is the first of many posts.

Miles for Smiles

In June, I signed up to raise money for Operation Smile to help people around the world with cleft and craniofacial surgical needs.

How It Works

I have used the app, Charity Miles, for years to raise money for Operation Smile. They recently launched a new feature where you can do a challenge to raise additional money for your charity by getting sponsors. I walk, a sponsor from Charity Miles donates money, and now you can too.

If you’re interested, you can pledge here: Charity Miles Pledge Page

Why 240 Miles?

For my challenge I had to choose a mile goal, I choose 240 miles.

It costs Operation Smile, on average, $240 for each surgery. I choose 240 miles as 1 mile for each dollar needed to change 1 life.


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How does Charity Miles do this?

I won’t rewrite what Charity Miles has already written, so here is their FAQ page.

Charity Miles Pledge Page Introduction

You don’t need to donate money to support this initiative. Just read and share a post or video.

Thank you in advance for your support.
